It’s estimated that the air conditioning expenses from the buildings is the 48% of a country’s energetic expenses.
This number gives us an idea of the magnitude of the problem we face but to big problems, big solutions.
To save up to 55% in the air conditioning consumption in your home or workplace, we suggest a roller blind, with or without a box, installed on the outside with Polyscreen® fabric. With this type of blinds you’ll be able to fend off up to 98% of the sunlight without having to refuse the daylight, this means, without the turning on light bulbs. As you can see, our exterior roller blinds represent energy savings, functionality and esthetic.
Outdoor roller blinds installation
This kind of blinds is installed with aluminum guides, cable or rod to avoid constantly balancing y giving it more grip. Also, you have the option of installing it with intermediate guides to avoid the candle effect.
If you wish to motorize it, you could choose for wind sensors and/or wind-sun sensor that detect when the wind might be dangerous giving the order to roll-up or when there’s too much sun to roll-down. That way you’ll be able to go out of you home without worrying about your blinds actions.

Different types of outdoor roller blinds
We have different types of roll-ups for you to choose the one that meets you technical and esthetic needs:
1. Roller blinds:
This type of curtain leaves the roll uncovered.
2. Roller Blind with D-Box:
The roll goes inside the D shaped box.
Box available on: white, matte black, ivory, brown, grey, granate and anthracite.

3. Roller Blind with O-Box:
The roll goes inside the O shaped box.
Available on: white, matte black, metal grey, acier grata.

4. Roller blind with S-Box:
The roll goes inside a squared box that fits in the window’s gap like one more of its components.
Available on: white and grey.

5. Roller blind with Z-Box:
The roll goes inside a squared box with zip type guides that allow to tense up the fabric avoiding the creation of wrinkles. The fabric hold up inside the lateral guide resisting wins of up to 120 km/h.
With this Z-Box you can get total darkness using an obscurity fabric.
Box available on: white, matte black, metal gray, acier grata.

If you want more information about this innovative and modern product don’t doubt in calling us at 917 577 419 or 653 325 160 or visit us at our showroom located in Poligono de Son Burgadellas, in Santa Ponsa, Majorca.