Blinds for ships, boats and sailboat

Blinds for ships, boats and sailboat

Having in mind the demand we’ve had the last days about blinds for boats, I’ve chosen this topic for this week.

Good times are coming, or at least that’s what we expect, and we’re now starting to plan the Easter week vacations.  That’s why people who have boats or ships, start to wonder which it the best option to decorate and protect from the sun their respective boats.

Blinds are an essential decorative element for a boat, they give subtleness and elegance to the environment, privacy and they allow us to protect ourselves from the sun, adjusting the daylight giving us an appropriate environment for each situation.


In boats we find many types of windows: squared, rectangle, circular, in trapezoid shape, etc. Luckily, there’s a great variety of blinds, blinds or venetian blinds that adjust to these windows and look great in boats.



To guarantee the functionality and fastening of the blinds, it’s important that these are guided, given that a boat is in constant move the majority of time.



I will mention the most current, decorative and functional blinds for boats:


  • Roll-up blinds with screen texture:

This kind of blinds with screen are ideal to adjust the light entrance and to isolate the rooms from the heat.  Also, the give a modern and trendy look.

It allows us to cover up big or small windows, they can be adjusted with aluminum rails, rods or guide cables.  We can even count with the roll-up Fit that sticks to the window’s frame or door without the need to drill holes.


  • Aluminum venetian blinds:

It’s a functional and economic alternative.  We can choose between 50, 25 and 15mm blinds, from many colors and between micro perforated blinds.  Also, we can cut some of the blinds if a piece of furniture needs it.  And, of course, we can guide them in an almost imperceptible way.


  • Wood venetian blinds:

This is the most elegant option and my favorite.  It also gives the environment a natural look and makes it cozy, it allows adjusting the blinds orientation controlling the light entrance.

We can choose from 25, 32, 50 and 70 mm blinds, natural colors or spray paint them in many colors.


  • Pleated blinds

This type of blinds is characterized by having a wide range of solutions.  It’s the most adaptable fabric curtain, thanks to its minimum gathered up space and its multiple possibilities of installation.  We can install them in arc forms, triangle, circle, irregular forms, trapezoid, inclined levels, etc.

Additionaly, a different variation of this type of blind is the Cell pleated curtain that has the function of darken up the room completely.


And if you have any doubts about how to protect or decorate your boat don’t hesitate on writing us at or visit us at our Showroom in Calle Islas Canarias 33, Poligono de Sond Bugadellas, Santa Ponsa.


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